If you are a hospital or nursing home or other health care provider you can bring GODSONGS to your location as a special live event. Contact me at the email address below to arrange a date. There is no charge for this volunteer service and all gear and sound is provided.
All songs are my original Christian praise or prayer songs performed by me.
If you want to see the lyrics as the song is playing go to this playlist and click the musical note next to the volume symbol in the playbox as the song is playing.
Song List for Events (pdf)
Contact me to discuss a complimentary live event.
Harold Vega Vondenstein
Call (228)-617-8309
or Email your inquiry to halcoach1@gmail.com
Godsongs was created to give glory and thanks to God and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who pursued me over a period of 13 years until I truly repented and asked Him to come into my life at age 60 on September 2, 2012. On that day I called out to Him and truly surrendered to Him and He stepped in and delivered me from severe oppression from the enemy.
During the time the Lord was pursuing me (1999 to 2012) He gave me many songs.Some of these songs are posted in the play list on this site. These songs have been healing songs for me and others. Thank You, Jesus, for these songs, for pursuing me and for restoring and saving my life.
NOTE: Visits to individual residents can be arranged as well guitar in hand.
ALSO, If you would like to listen to songs created with my late wife and love of my life, Paula Helwick Vondenstein you can click this link or go to the page on this site labeled “Bible Belt Blues”. Paula went home to the Lord on January 20, 2024. The Lord heals in one of two ways and He chose that way to heal her completely. I love you babe and miss you greatly. I will see you again when the time is right.
Much love and glory to God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Harold Vega Vondenstein